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Our Hartford, Connecticut Office Has Moved!

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Today’s projects require a balance between society’s demand for natural resources and the need to sustain healthy ecosystems. B&L’s professional geologists and environmental consulting staff specialize in planning, investigating, developing, testing, permitting, and protecting groundwater and geological resources for both public and private sector concerns. Our understanding of state and federal regulations and professional expertise with groundwater resources, contamination, and wastewater discharge allows us to effectively interpret and evaluate laboratory test data to formulate innovative and cost-effective solutions for our clients.

Specific Areas of Expertise

Specific Areas of Expertise

Hydrogeological Investigations & Risk Evaluations
Monitoring Well Design, Sampling & Monitoring
Tracer Tests & Studies
Contaminant Modeling & Transport
Emerging Contaminant Monitoring & Mitigation, Including PFAS
Groundwater - Surface Water Interaction Evaluations
Groundwater Supply Evaluations
Soils Testing & Groundwater Mounding Evaluations
Saltwater Intrusion Studies
Impact & Permitting Reports
Aquifer Pumping Tests
Source Water Assessments
Spring Water Resource Characterization & Development
Permit Applications & Regulatory Coordination
Quarry & Mine Evaluations
Water Withdrawal Permitting (SRBC, DRBC, NYSDEC)
Soil Infiltration, Permeability & Infiltrometer Tests
Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity / Slug Tests
TMDLs & Chesapeake Bay Protection
TMDL Planning Evaluations
Pond & Lagoon Leakage Evaluations
Permit Applications, Regulatory Coordination, & Expert Testimony

For more information, please contact:

New York/New England

Bryce Dingman

Bryce Dingman

Email Bryce


Amy Parrish

Amy Parrish

Email Amy

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