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Our Hartford, Connecticut Office Has Moved!

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Athletic Facilities

Sports and recreation bring people together and contributes to greater health and wellness. Our team has extensive experience designing Recreational Facilities, Trails and Greenways and Playing Fields and Parks.

Access to quality sports and recreational facilities makes a community a more desirable place to raise a family. B&L can provide safe, user-friendly designs that incorporate energy efficiency and low maintenance features. We help our clients turn aging, under-used facilities into enticing recreation assets.

New technologies and materials offer enhanced safety and reduced maintenance costs for today’s fields and parks. Our playing field specialists consider the community or school district’s specific athletic requirements and help them determine the system that best suits their needs. Incorporating Universal Design solutions can do more than just meet ADA requirements, it can make a park more inclusive and inviting.

Specific Areas of Expertise

Specific Areas of Expertise

Natural Grass Fields
Synthetic Turf Fields
Subsurface Drainage & Irrigation Systems
Sports Courts
Grand Stand Seating
Press Box Design
Sports Lighting
Parking & Access Design
Wayfinding, Signage, & Interpretation

For more information, please contact:

New York/Mid-Atlantic

Leigh Jones

Leigh Jones

Email Leigh

New England

Kevin Grindle

Kevin Grindle

Email Kevin

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