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Our Hartford, Connecticut Office Has Moved!

Read more about the new location Here


Complete Streets

Complete Streets are roadways planned and designed to promote the safe, convenient access and mobility for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and public transit users of all ages and abilities. Our transportation experts use these principals to design safe, attractive, and functional multimodal corridors by using strategies and including features such as: traffic calming; pedestrian, bicycle, and transit accommodations; pedestrian enhancements; landscaping and context sensitive design; road diets; roadway reconstruction;  intersection and parking reconfiguration; intersection and lane widening; traffic signal design and modifications; stormwater management and green infrastructure; sidewalks and curbing; accessible, universal design principles; and maintenance and protection of traffic.

Complete Streets can be envisioned as regenerative urban corridors that support the environment, the economy, and sense of place. Mobility projects can explore interactions between transportation systems, economic revitalization, climate adaptation and human health. Our approach includes looking beyond engineering analysis to actionable vision plans for regenerative urban landscapes that meets the current and future need of residents and the environment.


Specific Areas of Expertise

Specific Areas of Expertise

Streetscape & Complete Street Design
Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Multimodal Facilities
Corridor & Circulation Studies
Signage & Pavement Marking
Street Lighting
Traffic Signal Design, Coordination, & Optimization
Comprehensive Planning & Master Plans
Urban & Rural Planning/Design
Active Transportation

For more information, please contact:

New York/Mid-Atlantic

Mark Budosh

Mark Budosh

Email Mark

New England

John Adams

John Adams

Email John

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