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Our Hartford, Connecticut Office Has Moved!

Read more about the new location Here


Trails & Greenways

Our transportation professionals often collaborate with our Sustainable Planning and Design Practice Area for trail planning and design. We provide sustainable, eco-friendly surfaces for a variety of trails such as small woodland paths, wetland boardwalks, state-wide trails and trail systems, rail trails, and state park trail networks. Our design professionals have completed numerous trails which provide opportunities for recreation and relaxation that benefit local users, attract tourists and improve quality of life.

Specific Areas of Expertise

Specific Areas of Expertise

Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Multimodal Facilities
Trail Visualization
User Stability
Green Infrastructure Planning & Design
Transportation & Land Use Integration
Signage & Pavement Markings
Stream Morphology
Urban & Rural Planning/Design
Comprehensive Planning & Master Plans

For more information, please contact:

New York

Thomas Baird

Thomas Baird

Email Thomas

New England

Kevin Grindle

Kevin Grindle

Email Kevin


Mark Budosh

Mark Budosh

Email Mark

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