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Atwood Lake Road over Jones Creek Rehabilitation

What was the Challenge?

The two original bridges on Atwood Lake Road were identical, consisting of three 12-foot diameter, corrugated steel pipes. During a storm event in October of 2019, the northern bridge was damaged and the southern bridge was completely washed away, leaving a more than 60-foot wide opening. The Town of Ohio was forced to close the road and implement an off-site detour on a seasonal road until the bridges could be reconstructed.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

B&L completed the preliminary design including a hydraulic analysis, cost estimates, alterative selections to advance the FEMA process and obtain design approval. The northern bridge was rehabilitated by installing three, 11-foot diameter corrugated steel pipes within the original pipes; the southern bridge was replaced with a 65-foot span, integral abutment bridge. Additionally, approximately 575 feet of the road needed to be reconstructed.

Why was the project a success?

This work had not been part of the Town’s immediate plans. However, under the FEMA-assistance program from this declared disaster, the Town was able to not only replace and rehabilitate the two bridges, but also reconstruct them to meet current NYSDOT design standards, bring them into compliance with the NYSDOT Bridge Manual, and meet the Manual’s hydraulic requirements.

Project At a Glance


New York


  • Bridge Engineering
  • Municipal Services

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