
North Road Rehabilitation

What was the Challenge?

North Road was last reconstructed in 1971 and the majority of the corridor featured concrete gutters and an asphalt shoulder located behind the gutters. Despite the age of the pavement, the mainline pavement was in fair condition and required a 3.5-inch mill and resurface to correct surface distresses and restore the ride quality.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

The concrete gutter was removed and shoulders were reconstructed with a full depth asphalt section and granite curb installed within the Village limits to match the character of the surrounding village streets. Brick drainage inlets had largely failed throughout the corridor and were replaced with new precast concrete inlets and new storm sewer. To minimize the amount of trenching across the mainline pavement, existing storm sewer pipes that crossed the roadway were retrofitted with pipe extensions and then lined with a cured-in-place concrete lining, allowing them to be reused and incorporated in the new storm sewer system.

Why was the project a success?

The project extends the service life of the corridor and provides important operational and safety enhancements with the installation of new 6-foot wide shoulders, updated pavement markings and signage, and provides new sidewalk curb ramps to meet current ADA standards.

Project At a Glance


New York


  • Highway Engineering

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