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Salisbury/Sharon Transfer Station Development

What was the Challenge?

Anchor Engineering, now a Barton & Loguidice company, worked with the Towns of Salisbury and Sharon for nearly two decades on this exciting project. Anchor was initially hired to prepare a Needs and Site Related Evaluation Study which screened all properties within a six-mile radius of the population centroid in both Towns and resulted in 66 total sites. Through additional evaluation and screening a parcel was purchased and Anchor has worked tirelessly with multiple volunteer committees and Town staff to design, permit and construct a municipal transfer station with lasting benefit and flexibility to meet the needs of the Town’s local residents. Project funding was provided by grants and low interest loans secured through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the State of Connecticut Small Town Economic Assistance Program.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

Anchor attending numerous public informational meetings, building committee meetings and land use commission meetings in order to develop and permit detailed site plans which met the needs of the Town’s diverse stakeholder population. These meetings presented many opportunities for Anchor to evaluate the community’s needs and design a state-of-the-art facility which allows for safe and environmentally responsible waste management and recycling. This project was designed in collaboration with the Town’s Transfer Station Recycling Advisory Committee, the Salisbury/Sharon Resource Recovery Authority and the Transfer Station Building Committee.

Why was the project a success?

Anchor’s dedicated team worked closely with Town staff, elected officials and countless volunteers for nearly two decades to assure this facility was successfully designed, permitted and constructed. This effort allowed continuity throughout the process to assure design parameters discussed in the preliminary design efforts were successfully incorporated into the final construction. Anchors trusted relationship with the Town, the General Contractor and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) allowed this project to be designed, permitted and constructed ahead of schedule and under budget.

Project At a Glance




  • Advanced Survey Technologies
  • Construction Services
  • Funding First
  • Landfills, Waste-to-Energy, & Transfer Stations
  • Organics & Materials Management
  • Planning, Siting, & Permitting

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