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Emmitsburg Stormwater Detention Pond Retrofit

What was the challenge?

The primary challenge of this project was to redesign and retrofit an existing dry extended detention pond for the Town of Emmitsburg, Maryland, such that the facility would not only manage stormwater quantity but also improve stormwater quality.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

Working carefully with existing conditions and site constraints, B&L redesigned the facility to include a sediment trapping forebay and micropool to satisfy project water quantity and quality requirements and help the Town secure impervious area treatment credits for MS4 permitting.

Why was the project a success?

The project was successful because B&L was able to retrofit the facility to achieve stormwater quantity and quality objectives, as well as secure for the Town the MS4 treatment credits sought at the outset of the work. Additionally, costs incurred by the Town were minimal, as B&L helped to secure grant funding to cover over 95% of total project costs.

Project At a Glance




  • Environmental Engineering & Compliance
  • Watershed Science & Stormwater Management

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